Saturday, July 4, 2009


It had been long time that i had done Advance course.. as suggested to be done every six months .. as its recharging for oneself but all this time i was playing role of a good DAUGHTER, SISTER, FRIEND and so was after along time i was going for advance course..
I finished with my 6th semester exams on 30th of may and entire one month i had waited for this day to leave for Ashram , on 2nd june i boarded Mysore express to Banglore .This time it was just not with fun but with responsibility.. We were 15 people and all fresher’s YES+ graduate going for AMC(advance meditation course) except shardha and me.. It was amazing experience as all of them shooting questions at me”how the advance course is like, how is Ashram,what will happen in silence, what does seva mean and so on... “ I answered some of there questions and rest i left them to experience..and to be answered by GURUDEV!!
At 4.35am we reached Banglore city junction.. everyone else waited at Comesum till the time Anjana and I arranged for the cab.We reached Aashram around 5.15am i was at HOME , MY HOME and to MANY. Accommodation was allotted to us.It was always i had stayed in APARNA ,this time It was different VASUKI. (these are the names on the different buildings in ashram)..
It was just an amazing experience when we entered our room no electricity,no bedsheets,no blankets,and no lataches on the bathroom door.. it was ok for me as it was my 3rd advance course but had never experienced like this in ashram , for me Ashram meant everything perfect without any such experiences for me.. with a broad smileJJ we accepted everything...and ofcourse, at every step some new questions from fresher’s..and now my answer to all there questions were findout,experience it, be with it... (i dnt knw how i answered all like this humm... it was guruji :):):).After a long time I did my kriya at SUMERU MANTAP as i always when i am at HOME(Ashram)..all this time i prayed to guruji ,”to grant me some seva i just dnt want to be jobless all around.”i did some seva at YES+ registeration desk:)

As time passed i met new people and old friends at ashram...and all this time when i had missed SHREYA(Dinesh Amma) and AKANSHA (ani mouse)(my buddies in Chennai)met both of the day passed i met many new yes+ and in no time i made great friends with yes+ nasik.. can never forget the 1st day before the course i had spend with them.After dinner i attended satsang and then continued with amazing PRE-AMC session with two angels.. who else other than BAU and DINESH DADA:):):).
Next day , advance course started at 6am .. and as always it started with morning YOGA and this is what i hated ..hummm...i bunked all yoga sessions in my past advance courses.This time i had thought “ok.. will do this , will give my 100%”. I hated it with a smile on my face but gave my 100% in yoga sessions.. 1st day passed by with just fantastic session with DINESH bhaiya.. from 2nd day everything was so effortless for me.. everthing was happening on its own.. MASTER was taking care of everything for me..and at nites i was sleeping in his lap and in blanket of was just my Gurudev and me chit chatting in SILENCE with each other..
Wow, what an experience it was on the day of contentment ... when dinesh bhaiya saying “be 100% with gurudev” and as i open my eyes my MASTER was there... and there are no more words i have here to describe CONTENTMENT more.F rom one day to another ,experiences were so beautiful which just cannot be put down into words..last day of the course , Gurudev met everyone ... wow!!JJ what a meeting it was with GURUDEV...It felt i was just hollow and empty but just filled up with MASTER’S love and grace.

How can i forget ANJANA didi and BISWAS bhaiya’s wedding in ashram.ANJANA DIDI is our ART OF LIVING teacher from Himachal and BISWAS bhaiya is ayurveda docter in ashram..both of them tied knot and bleesed by Guruji...
Same day later ,9th june we had session with dinesh bhaiya and later went for a walk with bhaiya to SUMERU MANTAP ... it was beautiful experience with nature and DINU DADA sharing his memorable moments with us.. and what to tell you all about bhaiya’s singing and playing the cords.This is not all ... later after satsang GURUDEV met all YES+... !!
Every advance course is best and transforming and as i always say to all my friends who attend YES+ “one is just incomplete without YES++.if it can transform someone aggressive, shrewd,bratt,cry baby like me it can bring about change in anyone.AND later for one day our accommodation was shifted it was a dometry ,initially is said”oh guruji! Where have you landed me ...i crossed my barrier here...accepting as i later knew it was for my bestand for others too:):):).
Hoping to see many of you soon who experienced the grace of divine in summer break and many more who are thinking to be there... guys dnt miss doing AMC... its ok if not summer break .. then winter break:):):).

Friday, May 8, 2009

I cant forget my first visit to my home( bangalore ashram).. the first step and the first breathe there... still the memory of it is fresh in me.It was in november 2006 that i came to chennai and joined for at SRM UNIVERSITY.Really had a tough time adjusting in college, with culture, people etc ( as i was not YES+ at that time had done art excel and YES) so,I wanted a break from all i was going through here and DIWALI was on its way and i din't want to be in college for the festival... so i prayed to Guruji to do something to get me out from here(college).
One day , as a suprise my brother ANKUSH(fantabulus ART EXCEL teacher ) calls me from ashram and tells me to be there next day and it was DIWALI the next day... as soon as possible i could book my tickets 2 banglore, i did( and this was my 1st visit to banglore)without knowing whats coming on my way. I was really excited, bit doubt ful and lot of questions in my mind...
I remember , the same day i boarded mysore express at nite from chennai..and with great feel , love ,a big hug and miracle word "JAI GURUDEV" from BHAI i was welcomed ...i still remember he said me at station" Welcome Home Tulu".it was around 5.30am.I headed towards ashram guess what it was a big jeep which is used for 10-12 people had a half person(thats me)..that's ANKUSH BHAIYA'S way to welcome.
I reached ashram with the first rays of the sun around . I entered the publication deptt as my brother was working there in 2006.i just had the glimpse of vishalakshi mantap. i just couldnt wait to be home..around 7am without informing ANKUSH BANSAL i left for other side of the ashram which was waiting for me there. As walking from Publication to Vishalakshi mantap i could feel evrything welcoming me home the trees, birds, every passer-by greeting me with "jai gurudev".
There I was in VM( vishalakshi mantap).. first thing as I entered i saw gurdev's picture but for me it was he .. himself waiting, waiting for me with a big smile and hug.. I remember the tears of gratitute rolling down for being there..i was there for an hour and further knowing where to go just went by every corner and path i could take..just feel in love with the silence there in SUMERU MANTAP oh!! what a beautiful sight it was people sitting , meditating, monkeys playing around, birds with there best music, and the air adding some extra rythm and tune to it, meditated there for sometime and went to kitchen for lunch and back to publication. i know suprizingly, dint get a hard one from my nice brother.
In the afternoon with evryone in the publication we, decorated the office and the residential area there...did small puja there in office and went for satsang 2 VM (my 1st satsang evening in ashram)..with first "OM" chanting i felt master 's presence ... RICHA DIDI with others singing the bhajan's and evryone soaked in grace and devotion dancing, meditating, singing.. really a beautiful evening..evry where around in ashram candle's and diya's were lighted..and my home glowing all around.Later with my new friends kaveri, prasanth, many more celebrated this beautiful festival..
After a day i boarded shatabdi express at 5.30am from bangalore to chennai .Same day celebrating "BHAIYA DOOJ" with the world's best brother and best gift on diwali he gave me by calling me home.. which is HOME to so many in this world and evryone is welcome there to be showered in grace. with all beautiful memories and tons of grace me i was back to chennai . 2006 diwali lighted up my life and since then past 3 years i have never celebrated my DIWALI in chennai its always at HOME-AASHRAM, and i drop in there at HOME now anytime to be with my self ,my gurudev..and ofcourse, trouble my brother(as all sisters do)