Friday, May 8, 2009

I cant forget my first visit to my home( bangalore ashram).. the first step and the first breathe there... still the memory of it is fresh in me.It was in november 2006 that i came to chennai and joined for at SRM UNIVERSITY.Really had a tough time adjusting in college, with culture, people etc ( as i was not YES+ at that time had done art excel and YES) so,I wanted a break from all i was going through here and DIWALI was on its way and i din't want to be in college for the festival... so i prayed to Guruji to do something to get me out from here(college).
One day , as a suprise my brother ANKUSH(fantabulus ART EXCEL teacher ) calls me from ashram and tells me to be there next day and it was DIWALI the next day... as soon as possible i could book my tickets 2 banglore, i did( and this was my 1st visit to banglore)without knowing whats coming on my way. I was really excited, bit doubt ful and lot of questions in my mind...
I remember , the same day i boarded mysore express at nite from chennai..and with great feel , love ,a big hug and miracle word "JAI GURUDEV" from BHAI i was welcomed ...i still remember he said me at station" Welcome Home Tulu".it was around 5.30am.I headed towards ashram guess what it was a big jeep which is used for 10-12 people had a half person(thats me)..that's ANKUSH BHAIYA'S way to welcome.
I reached ashram with the first rays of the sun around . I entered the publication deptt as my brother was working there in 2006.i just had the glimpse of vishalakshi mantap. i just couldnt wait to be home..around 7am without informing ANKUSH BANSAL i left for other side of the ashram which was waiting for me there. As walking from Publication to Vishalakshi mantap i could feel evrything welcoming me home the trees, birds, every passer-by greeting me with "jai gurudev".
There I was in VM( vishalakshi mantap).. first thing as I entered i saw gurdev's picture but for me it was he .. himself waiting, waiting for me with a big smile and hug.. I remember the tears of gratitute rolling down for being there..i was there for an hour and further knowing where to go just went by every corner and path i could take..just feel in love with the silence there in SUMERU MANTAP oh!! what a beautiful sight it was people sitting , meditating, monkeys playing around, birds with there best music, and the air adding some extra rythm and tune to it, meditated there for sometime and went to kitchen for lunch and back to publication. i know suprizingly, dint get a hard one from my nice brother.
In the afternoon with evryone in the publication we, decorated the office and the residential area there...did small puja there in office and went for satsang 2 VM (my 1st satsang evening in ashram)..with first "OM" chanting i felt master 's presence ... RICHA DIDI with others singing the bhajan's and evryone soaked in grace and devotion dancing, meditating, singing.. really a beautiful evening..evry where around in ashram candle's and diya's were lighted..and my home glowing all around.Later with my new friends kaveri, prasanth, many more celebrated this beautiful festival..
After a day i boarded shatabdi express at 5.30am from bangalore to chennai .Same day celebrating "BHAIYA DOOJ" with the world's best brother and best gift on diwali he gave me by calling me home.. which is HOME to so many in this world and evryone is welcome there to be showered in grace. with all beautiful memories and tons of grace me i was back to chennai . 2006 diwali lighted up my life and since then past 3 years i have never celebrated my DIWALI in chennai its always at HOME-AASHRAM, and i drop in there at HOME now anytime to be with my self ,my gurudev..and ofcourse, trouble my brother(as all sisters do)


  1. niceeeeee one tuliiiii, the way u have explained everything here is quite catchy, love it, looking forward to more stuff !!!
    keep rocking !!! :

  2. hey amit,
    the credit goes 2 u completly and ofcourse , my darling friend SOUMYA...thnks 2u loads nd tons amit... u rock as a buddy!!

  3. Your description of the place made the whole thing come alive for me! I'd love to visit the ashram in Bangalore. I've yet to visit a place with higher than normal energy and one of such peace.

    Keep blogging Tulika.

  4. welcome to the world of blogging :)
    u coming for advanced crs?
